[Picking up a cafe thread from February that fits here

Am 23.02.21 um 20:07 schrieb Richard Eisenberg:
>* You might be interested in my recent paper on exactly this problem:
*>* how to make DatatypeContexts actually work the way you want:
*>* https://richarde.dev/papers/2020/partialdata/partialdata.pdf
*>* <https://richarde.dev/papers/2020/partialdata/partialdata.pdf

I think that paper is _not_ how DatatypeContexts should work -- at
least for the example in that thread of `fmap` over a data structure
wanting to preserve some invariant, such as unique elements.

   - For the matching/Provided constraints the paper at least does no
harm by magically unveiling constraints via a Well-Formed-Type
mechanism. It would equally do no harm by just not Providing any
constraints at all.
   - For the building/Required constraints: it would do harm to
magically unveil (for example) a computation to squish out duplicates
or re-order elements by their `fmap`ed result.

The Laws for `Functor.fmap` include "preserving the structure of " the
Functor. Squishing out duplicates/reordering/rebalancing breaks that.

Instead of `fmap` you should use `Foldable.foldMap :: Monoid
m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m`; with `m` instance of the form `Ord b =>
Monoid (t b)` -- `Ord` induced from the Datatype context of `t`. Then
there is a mechanism to pass in the `Ord` dictionary from outside/no
need for WFT magic.

I get it that Required `Ord b` is a poor stand-in for the invariant:
no duplicates; elements in ascending sequence; BST balanced. So the
Monoid instance still couldn't expose the underlying data

Forcing to use `foldMap` at least puts it in the programmer's face
that trying to use `fmap` is a type error standing in for


On Fri, 7 Jan 2022 at 15:00, Anthony Clayden <anthony.d.clay...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, 7 Jan 2022 at 09:08, Richard Eisenberg <li...@richarde.dev> wrote:
>> On Jan 5, 2022, at 9:19 PM, Anthony Clayden <anthony.d.clay...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> So Pattern syns seem to be giving exactly the 'stupid theta' behaviour.
>> In your example, yes: the Required context is "stupid" in the way that
>> "stupid theta" is. The reason to have a Required context is if your pattern
>> synonym does computation that requires a constraint. ...
> I don't think that's the only (or even the chief) reason. Wadler's
> response on that 1999 thread is telling
> "Often, a type will make no sense without the constraints; e.g., an
> association list type Alist a b makes no sense unless Eq a holds. The
> class constraints on data declarations were a simple way for the user to
> ask the compiler to enforce this invariant. They have compile-time effect
> only, no effect whatsoever on run-time (in particular, no dictionaries
> should be passed).  "
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