Small Things:

* Fixed a problem with an empty notebook tab label in the Lesson
Planner document. The forth tab label in the notebook was empty when
it should have had "Internet":

* Trim whitespace off the username from the configuration file. I hit
this one when I accidentally put a space at the end the configured
database username.

Bigger things:

* Fixed the Notebooks touching / lack of column space bug:

I wanted to make sure that this fix would work with the new layout
that I've been envisioning so I whipped up a more complete mockup
which I committed to the gwt-glom repository here:

The two big changes are: move to an HTML table base layout for the
details view and use text input boxes instead of labels in the details

Murray: We've already agreed that the HTML structure is the way
forward. But what do you think about the text input boxes?

* Worked on the lack of forward/previous pager in related lists with
multiline text bug:

Murray: Is it OK to close this bug? Or should I keep it open for now?
Maybe you can provide some comments on the bug. Thanks.

* New deployment with latest code:

This is using the master branch of libglom and java-libglom. I also
re-created the Glom files and data using the example Glom files from
the master branch. I used the glom_create_from_example application for
this which worked well. Murray: Thanks again for creating that
utility; it's really useful.

* Working on wrapping SqlBuilder and SqlExpr instead of working around it.

I've got SqlExpr and Value and I'm now working on SqlBuilder. This is
the difficult one, of course, but I don't think it needs to be fully
wrapped for what we need in the servlet.
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