On Wed, 2012-04-11 at 22:30 +0200, Michael Jenny wrote:
> Hi there,
> today I've come across the glom project and I find it very interested
> (mainly because I'm doing something very similar to online glom based
> on Python. But it's far from being anywhere near as sophisticated as
> the glom project).
> I have some questions:
> First, I have cloned the online-glom repository and did the maven
> buildout. When starting the app in Chrome I get:
> Configuration Error: onlineglom.properties not found.
> Maybe somebody can give me a hint?

That is described here:

and here:

> Second, do I understand it correctly that online-glom is a complete
> rewrite of C++ glom in Java (as a GWT-Application)?

It currently uses libglom (C++) via JNI, with a Java (GWT) UI. I plan to
replace the use of libglom with a Java reimplementation, but only the
non-developer functionality.

> If so, do you intend it to supersede the C++ glom or will they co-exist?

They will co-exist. Rewriting all of Glom's functionality in Java and
GWT would be a massive Job.

> And third: I've read that online glom is ATM a read-only application.
> Is this about to change soon?

If I find the time. I hope to.

Murray Cumming

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