Hi Murray,

Ok, that makes sense. PostgreSQL normally runs under the local system
account "postgres" with limited privileges, and enforces limited
permissions. Also I didn't realize glom *runs* it's own PostgreSQL
server, as I thought it was purely a client program (e.g., like QGIS).

On "Create new", glom should check to see if the account can be used
to locally run PostgreSQL (e.g., check permissions). And if not,
disable local DB creation, and only allow external DB creation. On my
work PC, I have a two versions of PostgreSQL running as services (as
"postgres"), so ideally I would be able to use one of these, as I do
with many other client software.


On 26 February 2013 22:49, Murray Cumming <murr...@murrayc.com> wrote:
> It's not Glom that creates this requirement - it's PostgreSQL. You
> cannot run PostgreSQL locally as an Administrator.
> I guess we could have an option in the installer to disable use of local
> databases, which is what PostgreSQL is needed for.
> The Windows installer is very old anyway, because we are still waiting
> for GTK+ 3 binaries for Windows.
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