
GLPI is free software and therefore faces two constraints:
- The number of features added to each version depends on the available energy - Users request features (technical or functional) and the project attempts to answer as soon as possible

Currently, the available energy is not sufficient and we have to make choices. These choices are certainly debatable but we assume.
If we can not respond quickly to a request, we try to give you a workaround.
We are also completely open to any contribution, if you have a need that we can not respond quickly, you can implement and offer, we usually integrate all constructive proposals(ex : new waiting state)

Indeed, the use of a template engine is not currently used for priority for us because adaptation for GLPI is not optimal in the current state of GLPI and . We started working on the heart of GLPI for the use of such an engine is interesting and its adaptation is simple and fast. Currently, the graphic adaptation is done quite simply by changing only the CSS. If there are problematic elements at this level, just tell us.



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