Hello all,

I was thinking about plugins versions and compatibility... And that sounds like 
a nightmare to me :)
I have questions, and maybe some ideas, here it is.

First, some plugins versions contains a GLPi version (like 0.90-1.0); what is 
the inital goal of that? This version of the plugin can be compatible with GLPi 
0.85, 0.90 and 9.1 - that does not make sense to me. Why not rely on a "simple" 
semantic versionning for plugins?
Even if it is not directly related to GLPi itself, I guess we should provide 
some "good practices"; plugins maintainers can follow... Or not, of course.
And if there is any good reason to keep GLPi version here, well... Which one? 
The minimal? The actual stable? Or even worse, both?

Second, we do not seem to have any efficient way right now to know if a plugin 
is compatible with a specific GLPi release. Each plugin do that (or not!) on 
its own side.

Some plugins do not check any maximum version, saying they are compatible with 
any future release. That cannot be true, or that would prevent us to make any 
change regarding the whole plugin system (or maybe it is perfect already? ;)).
Some other check a maximal version, which would be - for 9.1 compatible plugins 
- set to "9.2". OK. So, it is not possible to make any changes in the plugins 
system on the whole 9.1 lifecycle? Maybe that would be the case, but maybe 
not... What if we have to fix an issue in 9.1.2 that would affect plugins 
system in one way or another? All plugins will say they're compatible, but may 
not. And plugin must be updated when the 9.2 release will be done, even if 
anything has changed.
Well, I agree that the plugin system _should_ not change at all in the 9.1 
lifecycle ;)

I guess we cannot rely on next version, since it is not possible to know what 
this version would provide (some say they can, I do not believe them :D).

For another project, I've set a "COMPAT" version, totally unrelated to current 
software version. It is a kind of "plugin system version". When this version is 
bumped on the core side, all plugins must be updated, old versions are 
disabled. Until this particular version is bumped, plugins are still 
"compatible", even if several minor and/or major versions has been released.
Of course, if changes are made, but the version is not bumped, plugins will not 
work correctly. And that does not prevent plugins to be updated just to bump 
the compat, because it does not use parts of the core that have changed... This 
solution is not perfect at all, but maybe it could be a little better than what 
we have now.

And, oh... Of course, plugins should not be in charge of checking that, the 
core itself should to this job (at least, to be sure something is really 
checked in a standardized way).

Any thoughts?


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