On 03/05/2014, at 8:50 AM, Dennis Schafroth wrote:
> Going back to the OS X commit (a3cb38e3edf005bef73da4c9cfd958474a14d50f), it 
> works better. Something has regressed the build system on OS X, but I cannot 
> pinpoint what.
> On a side note: In the last week of my last job, I finally saw my boss 
> compiling the software with clang on Linux. He was actually a little bit 
> scare of the number of warnings in the company software. You may wanna setup 
> a linux (or Mac) with clang build in jenkins, not as a show stopper, but just 
> as warning signals.

Oooh, that's a good idea.  We should definitely do that. :)

> Since I am moving to Barcelona to work for a startup, I may be a bit out of 
> the loop for some time. 

Cool! Remember us when you're rich and famous. :)

+ Justin

Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat


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