On 12/06/2014, at 6:47 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
> On 06/12/2014 11:16 PM, Anand Avati wrote:
>> The client can actually be fixed to be compatible with both old and new 
>> servers. We can change the errno from ESTALE to ENOENT before doing the GFID 
>> mismatch check in client_lookup_cbk.
> But this will require a two hop upgrade. Is that normal/acceptable?

Thoughts on this from Corvid Tech:

> From: "David F. Robinson" <david.robin...@corvidtec.com>
> Subject: Re: Rolling upgrades discussion on mailing list
> Date: 12 June 2014 11:01:27 PM GMT+01:00
> Read through the discussion.  Not sure I fully understood it, but here are my 
> thoughts regardless...
> - We have roughly 1000-nodes (HPC setup) and 100 workstations that hopefully 
> will be using gluster as the primary storage system (if we can resolve the 
> few outstanding issues)... If these all had gluster-3.4.x rpm's and I wanted 
> to upgrade to 3.5.x rpm's, I don't particular care if I had to incrementally 
> update the packages (3.4.5 --> 3.4.6 --> 3.5.0 --> 3.5.1).  Requiring a 
> minimum version seems reasonable and workable to me as long as there is a 
> documented process to update.
> - What I wouldn't want to do if it was avoidable was to have to stop all i/o 
> on all of the hpc-nodes and workstations for the update.  If I could do 
> incremental 'rpm -Uvh' for the various versions "without" killing the 
> currently ongoing i/o, that is what would be most important.  It wasn't clear 
> to me if this was not possible at all, or not possible unless you upgraded 
> all of the clients before upgrading the server.
> - If the problem is that you have to update all of the clients BEFORE 
> updating the server, that doesn't sound unworkable as long as there is  a 
> mechanism to list all clients that are connected and display the gluster 
> version each client is using.
> - Also, a clearly documented process to update would be great.  We have lots 
> of questions and taking the entire storage device offline to do an upgrade 
> isn't a really feasible.  My assumption after reading the link you sent is 
> that we would have to upgrade all of the client software (assumes that a 
> newer client can still write to an older server version... i.e. client 3.5.2 
> can write to a 3.4.5 server).  This isn't a big deal and seems reasonable, if 
> there is some method to find all of the connected clients.
> - From the server side, I would like to be able to take one of the 
> nodes/bricks offline nicely (i.e. have the current i/o finish, accept no more 
> i/o requests, and then take the node offline for writes) and do the update. 
> Then bring that node back up, let the heal finish, and move on to the next 
> node/brick.  We are told that simply taking a node offline will not interrupt 
> the i/o if you are using a replica.  We have experienced mixed results with 
> this.  I believe that the active i/o to the brick fails but additional i/o 
> fails over to the other brick.  A nicer process to take a brick offline would 
> be desirable.
>    - The other suggestion I have seen for server software updates is to 
> migrate all of the data from a node/brick to the other bricks of the system 
> (gluster remove-brick xxx), remove this brick from the pool, do the software 
> update, and then add it back to the pool. The issue here is that each of our 
> bricks is roughly 100TB. Moving all of that data to the other bricks in the 
> system will take a very long time. Not a practical solution for us...
> I don't mind having to use a process (incrementally upgrade all clients, take 
> bricks offline, update bricks),  as long as I didn't have to turn off all i/o 
> to the primary storage system for the entire company in order to execute an 
> upgrade... The number one requirement for us would be to have a process to do 
> an upgrade on a "live" system... Who cares if the process is painful... That 
> is the IT guys problem :)...

+ Justin

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petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.

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