data classification has been updated to better reflect cache tiering's current 

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Darcy" <>
> To: "Gluster Devel" <>
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 7:53:37 AM
> Subject: [Gluster-devel] GlusterFS 4.0 updates needed
> Ahead of Wednesday's community meeting, I'd like to get as much 4.0
> status together as possible.  Developers, please check out the
> sub-projects on this page:
> If you're involved in any of those, please update the "status" section
> of the corresponding feature page (near the bottom) as appropriate.
> Links to design notes, email threads, code review requests, etc. are
> most welcome.  Yes, even things that have been sent to this list before.
> I'll be setting up a survey to choose a time for an online (Hangout/IRC)
> "summit" in the first week of February.  If we can separate the items
> that are truly being worked on vs. those that just "seemed cool at the
> time" but haven't received one minute of anyone's attention since (e.g.
> sharding) then we can keep that meeting focused and productive.  Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> Gluster-devel mailing list
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