Hi Kiran, thanks for the feedback!  I already put up a repo on githib:


On my TODO list is:

-The benchmark is currently RHEL / RHGS(Red Hat Gluster Storage) specific,
I want to make things work with at least non paid RPM distros and Ubuntu.
-Other filesystems(like you mentioned)
-No LVM and non thinp config options.
-EC, tiering, snapshot capabilities.

I'll probably fork things and have a Red Hat specific version and an
upstream version.  As soon as I have everything working on Centos I'll let
the list know and we can enhance things to do whatever we need.  I always
thought it would be interesting if we had a page where people could submit
their benchmark data and the HW / config used.  Having a standard tool /
tool set will help there.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 3:31 AM, Kiran Patil <ki...@fractalio.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I came across "Gluster Benchmark Kit" while reading [Gluster-users]
> Disastrous performance with rsync to mounted Gluster volume thread.
> The Kit includes tools such as iozone, smallfile and fio.
> This Kit is not documented and need to baseline this tool for Gluster
> Benchmark testing.
> The community is going to benefit by adopting and extending it as per
> their needs and the kit should be hosted on Github.
> The init.sh script in the Kit contains only XFS filesystem which can be
> extended to BTRFS and ZFS.
> Thanks Ben Turner for sharing it.
> Kiran.
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