On 29 Apr 2015, at 08:05, Niels de Vos <nde...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 02:40:54AM -0400, Jeff Darcy wrote:
>>>> label.Label-Name.copyAllScoresOnTrivialRebase
>>>> If true, all scores for the label are copied forward when a new patch
>>>> set is uploaded that is a trivial rebase. A new patch set is considered
>>>> as trivial rebase if the commit message is the same as in the previous
>>>> patch set and if it has the same code delta as the previous patch set.
>>>> This is the case if the change was rebased onto a different parent. This
>>>> can be used to enable sticky approvals, reducing turn-around for trivial
>>>> rebases prior to submitting a change. Defaults to false.
>> "Same code delta" is a bit slippery.  It can't be determined from the
>> patch itself, because at least line numbers and diff context will have
>> changed and would need to be ignored to say something's the same.  I
>> think forwarding scores is valuable enough that I'm in favor of turning
>> this option on, but we should maintain awareness that scores might get
>> forwarded in some cases where perhaps they shouldn't.
> Indeed, and I would be in favour of copying the scores after a rebase
> for Code-Review only. We should still have Jenkins run the regression
> tests so that in the (rare) event a patch gets incorrectly applied,
> either building fails, or the change in behaviour gets detected.

Yeah.  Reading that section of the Gerrit manual more, it seems to be an
option that gets turned on "per label".  So, we can turn it on for the
Code Review label, but leave it off for the Verified label.

That should make sure that even "trivial rebases" get retested by the
smoke and regression tests.

+ Justin

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