On 05/07/2015 11:49 PM, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
NetBSD build was broken here:

   CC       dht-rebalance.lo
dht-rebalance.c:22:25: fatal error: sys/sysinfo.h: No such file or
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>

And the change even went into release branch:

We have two problems here
1) the Jenkins bugs forced us to throw offline many NetBSD slave VM, and
now are scarce on this resource and we have a huge backlog of regression
tests to run, and many change get through without a single NetBSD
regression run. We need to fix it, but how? Restoring the VM from image
does not fix the problem as it is in jenkins config.

2) despite this the huge backlog, we should catch that kind of obvious
problem using smoke test. All build failed:

But that was never reported in gerrit. Why?

Smoke tests are failing to report back after the gerrit upgrade. We have made some efforts to figure out why but have not found an easy/convincing answer.

I suspect that the answer is hidden somewhere in this page [1].


[1] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Trigger
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