When similar automation was discussed, somebody had raised the concern when 
more than one patch is associated with a BZ. Either we keep 1:1 between BZ and 
patch. Otherwise the workflow needs to be improvised to inform gerrit when the 
last patch is submitted for a BZ so that the state can be appropriately 



> On 29-May-2015, at 10:21 pm, Niels de Vos <nde...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> today we had a discussion about how to get the status of reported bugs
> more correct and up to date. It is something that has come up several
> times already, but now we have a "BIG solution" as Pranith calls it.
> The goal is rather simple, but is requires some thinking about rules and
> components that can actually take care of the automation.
> The general user-visible results would be:
> * rfc.sh will ask if this patch it the last one for the bug, or if more
>   patches are expected
> * Gerrit will receive the patch with the answer, and modify the status
>   of the bug to POST
> * when the patch is merged, Gerrit will change (or not) the status of
>   the bug to MODIFIED
> * when a nightly build is made, all bugs that have patches included and
>   the status of the bug is MODIFIED, the build script will change the
>   status to ON_QA and set a "fixed in version"
> This is a simplified view, there are some other cases that we need to
> take care of. These are documented in the etherpad linked below.
> We value any input for this, Kaleb and Rafi already gave some, thanks!
> Please let us know over email or IRC and we'll update the etherpad.
> Thanks,
> Pranith & Niels
> Etherpad with detailed step by step actions to take:
>    https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-automated-bug-workflow
> IRC log, where the discussion started:
>    https://botbot.me/freenode/gluster-dev/2015-05-29/?msg=40450336&page=2
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