
Recently, my company needed to change our hostnames used in the Gluster

In a first moment, we have two Gluster Nodes called storage1 and storage2.
Our volumes used two bricks: storage1:/MYVOLYME and storage2:/MYVOLUME. We
put the storage1 and storage2 IPs in the /etc/hosts file of our nodes and
in our client servers.

After some time, more client servers started to using Gluster and we
discovered that using hostnames without domain (using /etc/hosts) in all
client servers is a pain in the a$$ :(. So, we decided to change them to
something like storage1.mydomain.com and storage2.mydomain.com.

Remember that, at this point, we had already some volumes (with bricks):

$ gluster volume info MYVOL
Brick1: storage1:/MYDIR
Brick1: storage2:/MYDIR

For simplicity, let's consider that we had two Gluster Nodes, each one with
the following entries in /etc/hosts:  storage1  storage2

To implement the hostname changes, we've changed the etc hosts file to:  storage1 storage1.mydomain.com  storage2 storage2.mydomain.com

And we've run in storage1:

$ gluster peer probe storage2.mydomain.com
peer probe: success

Everything works well during some time, but the glusterd starts to fail
after any reboot:

$ service glusterfs-server status
glusterfs-server start/running, process 14714
$ service glusterfs-server restart
glusterfs-server stop/waiting
glusterfs-server start/running, process 14860
$ service glusterfs-server status
glusterfs-server stop/waiting

To start the service again, it was necessary to rollback the hostname1
config to storage2 in /var/lib/glusterd/peers/OUR_UUID.

After some try and error, we discovered that if we change the order of the
entries in /etc/hosts and repeat the process, everything worked.

It is, from:  storage1 storage1.mydomain.com  storage2 storage2.mydomain.com

To:  storage1.mydomain.com storage1  storage2.mydomain.com storage2

And run:

gluster peer probe storage2.mydomain.com
service glusterfs-server restart

So we've checked the Glusterd debug log and checked the GlusterFS source
code and discovered that the big secret was the function
glusterd_friend_find_by_hostname, in the file
xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-utils.c. This function is called for
each brick that isn't a local brick and does the following things:

   - It checks if the brick hostname is equal to some peer hostname;
   - If it's, this peer is our wanted friend;
   - If not, it gets the brick IP (resolves the hostname using the function
   getaddrinfo) and checks if the brick IP is equal to the peer hostname;
      - It is, we could run gluster peer probe Once the brick
      IP (storage2 resolves to would have equal to the peer
      "hostname" (;
   - If it's, this peer is our wanted friend;
   - If not, gets the reverse of the brick IP (using the function
   getnameinfo) and checks if the brick reverse is equal to the peer
      - This is why changing the order of the entries in /etc/hosts worked
      as an workaround for us;
   - If not, returns and error (and Glusterd will fail).

However, we think that comparing the brick IP (resolving the brick
hostname) and the peer IP (resolving the peer hostname) would be a simpler
and more comprehensive solution. Once both brick and peer will have
difference hostnames, but the same IP, it would work.

The solution could be:

   - It checks if the brick hostname is equal to some peer hostname;
   - If it's, this peer is our wanted friend;
   - If not, it gets both the brick IP (resolves the hostname using the
   function getaddrinfo) and the peer IP (resolves the peer hostname) and,
   for each IP pair, check if a brick IP is equal to a peer IP;
   - If it's, this peer is our wanted friend;
   - If not, returns and error (and Glusterd will fail).

What do you think about it?

*Rarylson Freitas*
Computer Engineer
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