On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Benjamin Turner <bennytu...@gmail.com>

> WRT performance.  I would be happy to kick of daily performance regression
> runs on what ever you guys would like.  My current daily runs don't take
> any more than 6-8 hours, I could fit another 4 hours in there for
> upstream.  I could also run them on RDMA to help out on some coverage
> there.  LMK what you think, I already have this implemented and its just a
> matter of setting how often we want it run and on what config / builds.
> LMK what you think and we can have something real quick.
> -b

Thanks for the support Ben! With your help performance category will be
mostly taken care of.
Also, Prasanna(cc'ed) here was interested to show our performance numbers
on Gluster website with charts like these[1] that he had prepared for a
perf patch of his.
You could work with him on that while we set up other test related infra.


> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 6:03 AM, Deepak Shetty <dpkshe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Where / How do you indicate whether the underlying GlusterFS is
>> used/tested using fusemount or libgfapi method or both ?
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Raghavendra Talur <rta...@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Here is a table representing the current state of Gluster testing.
>>> * Things in green are categories for which we have some kind of testing
>>> in place.
>>> * Things in red are the ones which don't have any tests.
>>> * Things in yellow are the ones which have no known tests or are not
>>> managed by Gluster community.
>>> Test Category/Sub-Category
>>> smoke source build + Posix complaince + Dbench
>>> functional tests/basic
>>> regression tests/bugs
>>> performance regression N/A
>>> integration Backends/FS Protocols Consumers/Cloud Environments Tools 
>>> libgfapi
>>> bindings OS environment xfs smb qemu gdeploy java firewalld ext4 nfs
>>> openstack/cinder heketi python ufw btrfs swift
>>> openshift/docker/containers
>>> ruby selinux zfs
>>> aws
>>> go apparmor
>>> azure
>>> hadoop
>>> update major version upgrades minor version upgrades
>>> longevity a. memory leaks
>>> b. log accumulation
>>> distro packaging a. pkg build + smoke
>>> b. sysvinit/systemd
>>> I will send separate mails for each of the categories above highlighting
>>> plans for them.
>>> Use this thread to indicate addition/deletion/changes to this matrix.
>>> We will put this at gluster.org website once it is final.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Raghavendra Talur & MSV Bhat
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