On 01/08/2016 08:58 AM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
> On 12/30/2015 01:22 PM, Hubbard Jordan wrote:
>> I also have a broader question to go with the specific one:  We 
>> (at iXsystems) were attempting to engage with some of the Red Hat 
>> folks back when the FreeBSD port was first done, in the hope of 
>> getting it more “officially supported” for FreeBSD and perhaps even 
>> donating some more serious stress-testing and integration work for 
>> it, but when those Red Hat folks moved on we lost continuity and 
>> the effort stalled.  Who at Red Hat would / could we work with in 
>> getting this back on track?  We’d like to integrate glusterfs with 
>> FreeNAS 10, and in fact have already done so but it’s still early 
>> days and we’re not even really sure what we have yet.
> Hi,
> To me, from a community standpoint, to be "officially supported" I'd
> venture to say that what it takes is being visibly involved in the
> project. That can take many forms, e.g., do regular builds on your
> platform, submit bug reports (to our bugzilla) and associated fixes (to
> our gerrit), implement and contribute new features, review other
> people's patches in gerrit, build packages for your platform, evangelize
> GlusterFS, answer questions in IRC and the mailing lists, etc., etc.
> Everything that goes on the community is done by volunteers. There are
> no Red Hat employees whose sole responsibility is to work on Community
> GlusterFS. (Excepting our Community Manager, Amye.) The Red Hat mantra
> is "upstream first" so every feature and every bug fix that Red Hat
> employees work on does indeed go into Community GlusterFS first; a lot
> does get done as a side effect of that policy, but nobody should take it
> for granted that _everything_ (or anything) will just get done.
> Nobody would say no to having serious stress testing and integration
> work. If it plugs into our current gerrit and jenkins infrastructure, so
> much the better. If there are people in your community who can help
> maintain and/or grow our infrastructure, we could use a lot of help there.

Just to be clear, by "our infrastructure" I mean Community GlusterFS

> With that level of involvement, I could imagine eventually FreeBSD
> having more of a, I don't know, for lack of a better word, 'standing' in
> the GlusterFS community. We do compile every patch on FreeBSD to ensure
> that we don't break that level of portability, but that's the extent of
> it. Maybe elevated to running regressions, as we do for NetBSD, which
> has a bit of a legacy standing in the community due to Emmanuel Dreyfus'
> long time participation.
> Anyway, that's my opinion. (Emphasis on my and opinion. Perhaps others
> will weigh in with their opinions.) I look forward to your involvement
> in the community. Look for us at FOSDEM, a couple of us will be there.


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