On 08/16/2016 07:22 PM, Michael Adam wrote:
Hi all,

On 2016-08-15 at 22:39 -0400, Vijay Bellur wrote:
Hi Poornima, Dan -

Let us have a hangout/bluejeans session this week to discuss the planned
md-cache improvements, proposed timelines and sort out open questions if

Because the initial mail creates the impression that this is
a topic that people are merely discussing, let me point out
that it has actually moved way beyond that stage already:

Poornima has been working hard on these cache improvements
since late 2015 at least. (And desperately looking for review
and support since at least springtime..) See all her patches
that have now finally already gone into master recently
(e.g. http://review.gluster.org/#/c/12951/ for an old one
that has just been merged)
and all the patches that she has still up for review
(e.g. http://review.gluster.org/#/c/15002/ for a big one).

I perhaps could have provided more context in my email. I have followed some of this work closely and it is in line with how I would like to see md-cache evolve. My intention behind scheduling this meeting is to:

a> Get a better understanding of the current state of affairs

b> Determine what workload profiles can benefit from this improvement

c> Facilitate reviews and address pending open issues, if any, for 3.9 and beyond.

These changes were mainly motivated by samba-workloads,
since the chatty, md-heavy smb protocol is suffering most
notably from the lack of proper caching of this metadata.
The good news is that it recently started getting more
attention and we are seeing very, very promising performance
test results!
Full functional and regression testings are also underway.

Good to know! Look forward to understand more about the nature of performance improvements in the call or over here :). I think metadata intensive workloads from fuse/gfapi can also benefit from this improvement. We can hopefully start doing more focussed tests to validate this hypothesis post the call.

Would 11:00 UTC on Wednesday work for everyone in the To: list?

Not on the To: list myself, but would work for me.. :-)
Although I have to admit it may really be very short notice for

I agree that this is a very short notice. 3.9 being 6 weeks away is driving the urgency largely.

And since Poornima drove the project thus far, and was mainly
supported by Rajesh J and R.Talur from the gluster side for long
stretches of time, afaict, I think these three should be present
bare minimum.

Thank you for letting me know whom I missed. Rajesh, R. Talur - look forward to see you folks in the meeting!

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