Thank you Kaleb for putting this together. I think it would also be useful
to list where our official container images would be present too.

Should we make this content persistent somewhere on our website and have a
link from the release notes? The complaints that we encountered after
releasing 3.8 (mostly on CentOS) makes me wonder about that.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <>

> Hi,
> With the imminent release of 3.9 in a week or two, here's a summary of the
> Community packages for various Linux distributions that are tentatively
> planned going forward.
> Note that 3.6 will reach end-of-life (EOL) when 3.9 is released, and no
> further releases will be made on the release-3.6 branch.
> N.B. Fedora 23 and Ubuntu Wily are nearing EOL.
> (I haven't included NetBSD or FreeBSD here, only because they're not Linux
> and we have little control over them.)
> An X means packages are planned to be in the repository.
> A — means we have no plans to build the version for the repository.
> d.g.o means packages will (also) be provided on
> DNF/YUM means the packages are included in the Fedora updates or
> updates-testing repos.
> 3.9
> 3.8 3.7 3.6
> CentOS Storage SIG¹ el5 — —
> d.g.o d.g.o
> el6 X
> X X, d.g.o X, d.g.o
> el7 X
> X X, d.g.o X, d.g.o
> Fedora
> F23 — d.g.o DNF/YUM d.g.o
> F24 d.g.o
> DNF/YUM d.g.o d.g.o
> F25 DNF/YUM d.g.o d.g.o d.g.o
> F26
> d.g.o d.g.o d.g.o
> Ubuntu Launchpad² Precise (12.04 LTS) — —€” X X
> Trusty (14.04 LTS) — X X X
> Wily (15.10) — X X X
> Xenial (16.04 LTS) X
> X X X
> Yakkety (16.10)
> X
> X
> — —
> Debian Wheezy (7) — —€” d.g.o d.g.o
> Jessie (8) d.g.o
> d.g.o d.g.o d.g.o
> Stretch (9) d.g.o
> d.g.o d.g.o d.g.o
> SuSE Build System³ OpenSuSE13
> X
> X X X
> Leap 42.X X
> X X —€”
> SLES11 — —€” —€” X
> SLES12 X
> X X X
> ¹
> ²
> ³
> -- Kaleb
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