On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:21:52PM -0500, Jeff Darcy wrote:
> As the first part of the general cleanup and technical-debt-reduction
> process, I'd like to start nuking some of the unused translators.  If
> any of the following are still useful and not broken, please speak up.
> They'll always be in our git history, but there seems to be little
> reason to keep building them or risk confusing future developers by
> having them around.
>   cluster/ha
>   cluster/map
>   features/filter
>   features/mac-compat
>   features/path-convertor
>   features/protect

I'm not aware of any users. +1 from me on removing them.

It may be nice to keep a list of xlators (and other pieces of code) that
got removed. So that when someone comes around and would like to
resurrect or add similar functionality, it is easy to find it, possibly
with reasoning why it got removed.


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