Hi all,

One of the grey areas (in terms of documentation) is how to turn off 
readdirplus (aka readdirp) in the entire stack of glusterfs. The confusion is 
because, there are couple of xlators which by default convert a readdir into 
readdirp. All of the following steps need to be done to turn off readdirp 

1. mount glusterfs with option --use-readdirp=no (disables readdirp between 
fuse kernel module and glusterfs)

[root@unused glusterfs]# mount -t glusterfs booradley:/testvol -o 
use-readdirp=no /mnt/glusterfs

[root@unused glusterfs]# ps ax | grep -i mnt
26096 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/local/sbin/glusterfs --use-readdirp=no 
--volfile-server=booradley --volfile-id=/testvol /mnt/glusterfs

2. set performance.force-readdirp to false (prevents md-cache from converting 
readdir calls to readdirp)
[root@unused glusterfs]# gluster volume set testvol performance.force-readdirp 
volume set: success

3. set dht.force-readdirp to false (prevents dht from converting readdir into 
[root@unused glusterfs]# gluster volume set testvol dht.force-readdirp off
volume set: success

[root@unused glusterfs]# gluster volume info testvol
Volume Name: testvol
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 007edfec-0e54-4d80-bef4-9aec5bcc1108
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: booradley:/home/export/testvol
Options Reconfigured:
dht.force-readdirp: off
performance.force-readdirp: off
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on

Note that if readdir-ahead is turned on, by default it does prefetch directory 
entries to fill its cache using readdirp. However, it doesn't implement 
readdirp fop. Hence those prefetched entries are never consumed in the above 
configuration. If option performance.readdir-ahead is set to off, we wouldn't 
not witness a readdirp fop in the entire glusterfs stack (from fuse till 

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