
The Openstack Swift community has gone through the same problem
(allowing pluggable backends) when it implemented EC in Swift.

They came up with this generic EC library:

It currently supports 6 EC backends.
Hope this helps.

 -Prashanth Pai

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Niels de Vos" <nde...@redhat.com>
> To: "Pranith Kumar Karampuri" <pkara...@redhat.com>, "Ashish Pandey" 
> <aspan...@redhat.com>, "Xavier Hernandez"
> <xhernan...@datalab.es>
> Cc: "Per Simonsen" <per.simon...@memoscale.com>, gluster-devel@gluster.org
> Sent: Thursday, 2 March, 2017 12:28:46 PM
> Subject: [Gluster-devel] Pluggable interface for erasure coding?
> Hi guys,
> I think this is a topic/question that has come up before, but I can not
> find any references or feature requests related to it. Because there are
> different libraries for Erasure Coding, it would be interesting to be
> able to select alternatives to the bundled implementation that Gluster
> has. Are there any plans to make the current Erasure Coding
> implementation more pluggable? Would this be a possible feature request,
> or would it require a major rewrite of the current interface?
> Here at FAST [0] I have briefly spoken to Per Simonsen from MemoScale
> [1]. This company offers a (proprietary) library for Erasure Coding,
> optimized for different architectures, and  with some unique(?) features
> for recovering a failed fragment/disk. If Gluster allows alternative
> implementations for the encoding, it would help organisations and
> researchers to get results of their work in a distributed filesystem.
> And with that, spread the word about how easy to adapt and extend
> Gluster is :-)
> Thanks,
> Niels
> 0. https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast17
> 1. https://memoscale.com/
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