On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 7:27 AM, Niels de Vos <nde...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi Vijay,
> It seems that there are 50+ new bugs reported with the 'private bug'
> feature 'development whiteboard' set to FB-Forwardport. All of these
> bugs are filed against the 'core' component, which is clearly wrong for
> many of them. This causes quite a lot of work for the maintainers of teh
> core component that should be triaging these bugs. Many have fallen
> through and showed up on todays Bug Triaege meeting.
> We have decided not to triage the bugs during the meeting, and hope that
> the people working on these changes will triage the bugs themselves
> ASAP. Please follow the usual triaging procedures (and by extension the
> reporting guidelines) for the bugs listed below.
>   https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/Bug-Triage/
>   https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-
> Guide/Bug-Reporting-Guidelines/
Niels and others: My intent has been not to create additional work for any
of you. I am trying to expedite outstanding patches from Facebook as it is
one of our core focus areas for 3.11.  There is a significant backlog of
patches that need to be pulled in to master and I am automating as much as
possible to clear the backlog. Owing to automation there could be some more
rough edges than creating bugs manually. I appreciate any help you can
provide in overcoming the rough edges & in taking this activity to

I did spend a few minutes today to clean up the bugzilla reports. If you
would like to see further improvements in the reports, please let me know.
To get more karma from me, please go ahead and improve such bug reports on
your own :-).

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