On 03/12/2018 10:34 AM, Atin Mukherjee wrote:
>       *
>         After 4.1, we want to move to either continuous numbering (like
>         Fedora), or time based (like ubuntu etc) release numbers. Which
>         is the model we pick is not yet finalized. Happy to hear opinions.
> Not sure how the time based release numbers would make more sense than
> the one which Fedora follows. But before I comment further on this I
> need to first get a clarity on how the op-versions will be managed. I'm
> assuming once we're at GlusterFS 4.1, post that the releases will be
> numbered as GlusterFS5, GlusterFS6 ... So from that perspective, are we
> going to stick to our current numbering scheme of op-version where for
> GlusterFS5 the op-version will be 50000?

Say, yes.

The question is why tie the op-version to the release number? That
mental model needs to break IMO.

With current options like,
https://docs.gluster.org/en/latest/Upgrade-Guide/op_version/ it is
easier to determine the op-version of the cluster and what it should be,
and hence this need not be tied to the gluster release version.



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