Updated the sheet with below details, happy to hear more from our users:

   - Date: 2018-09-26
   - Host: Amar Tumballi
   - Location: #gluster-meeting on Freenode (webchat
   - Time:
      - 15:00 UTC
      - or in your local shell/terminal: date -d "15:00 UTC"

of Discussion

   - How can we do ‘triaging better’ (both in bugzilla / github issues) ?
   - Release 5.0, and the focus on stability
   - What is the best way to update community on progress across different
      - Should we accept a project only if there is at least once in a
      month update on the project to mailing list?


This will be in #gluster-meeting on freenode, and our agenda (which is
> always editable!) is at https://bit.ly/gluster-community-meetings.
Update above sheet if you want something to be discussed!

Amar Tumballi (amarts)
Gluster-devel mailing list

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