Le mardi 05 janvier 2016 à 14:59 +0100, Michael Scherer a écrit :

> Another solution is to use ansible over salt
> ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/12836 ), which mean we get the
> benefit of both world. If we decide to switch, I would maybe start by
> that until we can get a more secured network setup (ie, reuse the
> existing salt setup, and migrate slowly).

So it turn out that I am not able to properly take time off, and on
Sunday one week ago, I did enough commits on my ansible role[1] to
support the group based model I wanted to use. It also turn out that I
was able to make ansible run on salt for the transition today without
much fuzz[2].

So since I didn't see much opposition, I went ahead and did started the
migration from salt to ansible. 

I will give more details once I make sure I fixed freeipa deployment (so
we can use it for LDAP and access control for the git repo, as it is
planned ), and then we will see the way forward from there.

[1] https://github.com/OSAS/ansible-role-ansible_bastion/commits/master 
[2] https://github.com/OSAS/ansible-role-salt_transport

Michael Scherer
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure and Platform, OSAS

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