On 06/06/2012 10:25 PM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
> On 06/07/2012 03:22 AM, Jason Brooks wrote:
>> I've been testing on CentOS 6.2. The only command from the Admin guide
>> I've run successfully has been: curl -v -H 'X-Storage-User: test:tester'
>> -H 'X-Storage-Pass:testing' -k
>> I started out with a centos machine running gluster-swift, which I was
>> connecting to a four node gluster cluster. It wasn't clear to me from
>> the admin guide where I was supposed to mount my gluster volume,
> You will need to mount the gluster volume at
> /mnt/gluster-object/<account>. For the example in admin guide,
> /mnt/gluster-object/AUTH_test needs to be the mountpoint for your
> gluster volume.

There's something I'm confused about -- if I mount my gluster volume at
AUTH_test, I am able to work with it, but is the idea that users should
manually create a gluster volume and mountpoint for every account?

I've been working through this Fedora 17 openstack howto:
I thought I'd bring gluster into the mix, but it's not clear to me how
the setup directions I see here and elsewhere for swift ought to
interact with the gluster-swift packages.

The gluster-swift-plugin places a set of configuration files into
/etc/swift -- the 1.conf files and the ring configurations. The admin
guide doesn't mention any swift-ring-builder operations -- are these not
required with UFO?

Thanks, Jason
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