Finally I find the answer though it's not very convinient but doable.
1 sudo gluster volume set <volume> server.allow-insecure on
2 get the volume file from glusterfs backend server
the file is <volume>-fuse.vol
3 edit the volume file add option client-bind-insecure and set it's
value to on for every protocol/client xlator
4 mount the volume by customized volume file above
/usr/sbin/glusterfs --volfile=<volume file> --volfile-id=volume mountpoint
Then the glusterfs client will use local port which is larger than
1024 and the port conflicts issue can be resolved.

2013/3/12, 符永涛 <>:
> dear gluster experts, any suggestions? Thank you very much.
> 2013/3/11, 符永涛 <>:
>> Dear gluster experts,
>> I recently run into an problem related to glusterfs client process
>> occupy rsync port 873. Since there're serveral volumes in our client
>> machines the port conflicts may occur. Is ther any easy way to solve
>> this problem? Thank you very much.
>> --
>> 符永涛
> --
> 符永涛

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