Minutes (text): 

Meeting summary
* roll call  (ndevos, 12:03:37)

* Status of last weeks Action Items  (ndevos, 12:06:19)

* hchiramm to create/request a b...@gluster.org mailinglist and have it
  as default assignee of any Gluster product bug  (ndevos, 12:06:48)
  * ACTION: hchiramm to make sure that b...@gluster.org becomes the
    default owner of new bugs  (ndevos, 12:08:50)

* hchiramm to create "doc" component under GlusterFS in bugzilla
  (ndevos, 12:10:30)

* lalatenduM will add bugzilla queries (per component) to the Bug triage
  wiki page  (ndevos, 12:11:03)
  * LINK:
    (ndevos, 12:11:25)

* lalatenduM requests iptables, df, SElinux and logs for bug 1109613
  (ndevos, 12:12:05)

* lalatenduM asks the reporter of bug 1136349 to: a. make the private
  comments public, or b. post a summary that explains the
  issue/situation  (ndevos, 12:12:27)

* hchiramm will split the Bug Triage page into smaller ones, starting
  with a "How to clone" best practise  (ndevos, 12:12:42)
  * ACTION: hchiramm will split the Bug Triage page into smaller ones,
    starting with a "How to clone" best practise  (ndevos, 12:12:59)

* lalatenduM will update the Bug Triage page to mark bugs for group
  triage (NEEDINFO on gluster-b...@redhat.com)  (ndevos, 12:13:08)
  * ACTION: lalatenduM will update the Bug Triage page to mark bugs for
    group triage (NEEDINFO on gluster-b...@redhat.com)  (ndevos,

* Group Triage  (ndevos, 12:14:12)

* Bugs marked for group triage (NEEDINFO from gluster-b...@redhat.com)
  (ndevos, 12:15:02)
  * LINK:
    (ndevos, 12:15:10)

* New bugs to triage (filed since last week)  (ndevos, 12:20:34)
  * LINK:
    (ndevos, 12:20:45)
  * ACTION: hchiramm_ to include a suggestion to assign a clone of a bug
    (and keep/add b...@gluster.org on CC) in his 'how to clone' steps
    (ndevos, 12:48:03)

* NEW bugs that do not have the "Triaged" keyword, listed per version
  (ndevos, 12:51:05)

* Open Floor  (ndevos, 12:58:22)

Meeting ended at 13:04:35 UTC.
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