Just some basic question on the heal process, please just point me to the docs 
if they are there :)

- How is the need for a heal detected? I presume nodes can detect when they 
can't sync writes to the other nodes. This is flagged (xattr?) for healing 
when the other nodes are back up?

- How is the master file chosen? quorum? latest write?

- I have a three peer, two node/brick replica with server side quorum. The 
third peer was added to give an odd number of peers for quorom, but it doesn't 
participate in bricks. Does this make sense? it helps with deciding which node 
is master for heals?

- diff heals. I'm guessing the nodes scan the file pairs block by block, 
calculating a checksum for each block and comparing, if they don't match, the 
master node block is replicated.

- Synchronizing the compare over the network must be fun ...

- Is there anyway to display a file heal progress? it would make the process a 
lot less anxiety inducing even if it was very slow.



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