Le 19/05/2016 17:33, Jesper Led Lauridsen     TS Infra server a écrit :

If you want to locate it, this is how you do it :
1) ls -i 
 on glustoretst02.net.dr.dk
2) find the inode number that you will get associated with this file on the 
same brick (you can use -inum option of find).

You should be able to locate the file. I hope this answers your question.

I am not trying to locate the file. I did that already. What wonders me is:
1: Why I can't find the file on the mounted gluster volume 
(/var/run/gluster/glu_rhevtst_dr2_data_01/), when I can find it on the brick of 
2: Why the file doesn’t get healed and synced to glustertst01

The purpose of my quest is to get rid of this gfid entry before I am going to 
upgrade to 3.6.9. I’m currently running 3.6.2.

Looks like I'm in the same situation (gfid and files), but I'm already in 3.7.11... (see my msg last week).

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