Il 12 nov 2016 12:53, "Kevin Lemonnier" <> ha scritto:
> Sure, but thinking about it later we realised that it might be for the
> I believe when sharding is enabled the shards will be dispersed across
all the
> replica sets, making it that losing a replica set will kill all your VMs.
> Imagine a 16x3 volume for example, losing 2 bricks could bring the whole
> down if they happen to be in the same replica set. (I might be wrong
about the
> way gluster disperse shards, it's my understanding only, never had the
> to test it).
> With multiple small clusters, we have the same disk space in the end but
> that problem, it's a bit more annoying to manage but for now that's

I don't use EC because i really love the "gluster feature" to have plain
files stored and not encoded in any way.

> Not really shocked there. Guess the cli should warn you when you try
> the option though, that would be nice.

Exactly. I've proposed a warning in the cli when changing the shard size
but this is still unfixed and this is scaring me
it's a critical bug, IMHO, and should be addressed asap or any user could
destroy the whole cluster with a simple command and no warning at all.
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