>    doing so means 3 times cost, 3 times disks to add and manage and so on
>    is not "commodity"

It's the exact same cost. All the clusters have replica 3, there is absolutly
no difference in cost if they are separate or not.
It's not as easy to manage sure, but it's not like I'm tweaking the conf

>    If you have to create multiple cluster andA  not using the scale-out
>    feature why don't you use drbd or similiar?

DRBD 8 doesn't support 3 replicas, and DRBD 9 last time I tried it
was basically unusable (well, not surprising for a beta).
And on top of that, gluster heals after a network outage is transparent
and automatic, DRBD's heal are a huge pain. Since we are using OVH servers,
the network really can't be trusted unfortunatly, we do have a lot of heals

We use DRBD a lot when we need normal master / slave replication, it's great
for that, but to run VMs I really don't like it. One of our client has a
proxmox 3 cluster with DRBD 8, everytime there is a little problem with
the network it's horrible to fix, compared to gluster.

Kevin Lemonnier
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