Assuming a backup window of 12 hours, you need to send data at 25GB/s
to backup solution.
Using 10G Ethernet on hosts you need at least 25 host to handle 25GB/s.
You can create an EC gluster cluster that can handle this rates, or
you just backup valuable data from inside VMs using open source backup
tools like borg,attic,restic , etc...

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 7:48 PM, Gandalf Corvotempesta
<> wrote:
> Let's assume a 1PB storage full of VMs images with each brick over ZFS,
> replica 3, sharding enabled
> How do you backup/restore that amount of data?
> Backing up daily is impossible, you'll never finish the backup that the
> following one is starting (in other words, you need more than 24 hours)
> Restoring is even worse. You need more than 24 hours with the whole cluster
> down
> You can't rely on ZFS snapshot due to sharding (the snapshot took from one
> node is useless without all other node related at the same shard) and you
> still have the same restore speed
> How do you backup this?
> Even georep isn't enough, if you have to restore the whole storage in case
> of disaster
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