+Andrew and Ken

On 05/29/2017 11:48 PM, Jan wrote:
Hi all,

I love this project, Gluster and Ganesha are amazing. Thank you for this
great work!

The only thing that I miss is IPv6 support. I know that there are some
challenges and that’s OK. For me it’s not important whether Gluster
servers use IPv4 or IPv6 to speak each other and replicate data.

The only thing that I’d like to have is a floating IPv6 for clients when
I use Ganesha (just IPv6, dual stack isn’t needed).

I tested it and I put IPv6 into ganesha-ha.conf instead of IPv4 and it
didn’t work. But I think that it might work since Ganesha supports IPv6:

netstat -plnt

tcp6   0    0 :::2049    :::*  LISTEN  1856/ganesha.nfsd

Is there a way how to do that? Maybe build a cluster with IPv4 and then
change “something” in Pacemaker / Corosync and replace IPv4 by IPv6?

At-least from [1] looks like it is supported. Do you see any errors/warnings in the log files? (/var/log/messages, /var/log/pacemaker.log, /var/log/corosync.log)

[1] https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/7-ocf_heartbeat_IPaddr2/

Thank you.

Best regards,


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