Hi Gluster Gurus,

I'm using a gluster volume as home for our users. The volume is
replica 3, running on CentOS 7, gluster version 3.10
(3.10.6-1.el7.x86_64). Clients are running Fedora 26 and also
gluster 3.10 (3.10.6-3.fc26.x86_64).

During the data backup I got an I/O error on one file. Manually
checking for this file on a client confirms this:

ls -l
ls: cannot access
Input/output error
total 2015
-rw-------. 1 romanoch tbi 998211 Sep 15 18:44 previous.js
-rw-------. 1 romanoch tbi  65222 Oct 17 17:57 previous.jsonlz4
-rw-------. 1 romanoch tbi 149161 Oct  1 13:46 recovery.bak
-?????????? ? ?        ?        ?            ? recovery.baklz4

Out of curiosity I checked all the bricks for this file. It's
present there. Making a checksum shows that the file is different on
one of the three replica servers.

Querying healing information shows that the file should be healed:
# gluster volume heal home info
Brick sphere-six:/srv/gluster_home/brick

Status: Connected
Number of entries: 1

Brick sphere-five:/srv/gluster_home/brick

Status: Connected
Number of entries: 1

Brick sphere-four:/srv/gluster_home/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0

Manually triggering heal doesn't report an error but also does not
heal the file.
# gluster volume heal home
Launching heal operation to perform index self heal on volume home
has been successful

Same with a full heal
# gluster volume heal home full
Launching heal operation to perform full self heal on volume home
has been successful

According to the split brain query that's not the problem:
# gluster volume heal home info split-brain
Brick sphere-six:/srv/gluster_home/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries in split-brain: 0

Brick sphere-five:/srv/gluster_home/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries in split-brain: 0

Brick sphere-four:/srv/gluster_home/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries in split-brain: 0

I have no idea why this situation arose in the first place and also
no idea as how to solve this problem. I would highly appreciate any
helpful feedback I can get.

The only mention in the logs matching this file is a rename operation:
09:19:11.561661] I [MSGID: 115061]
[server-rpc-fops.c:1022:server_rename_cbk] 0-home-server: 5266153:
(48e9eea6-cda6-4e53-bb4a-72059debf4c2/recovery.jsonlz4) ->
(48e9eea6-cda6-4e53-bb4a-72059debf4c2/recovery.baklz4), client:
error-xlator: home-posix [No data available]

I enabled directory quotas the same day this problem showed up but
I'm not sure how quotas could have an effect like this (maybe unless
the limit is reached but that's also not the case).

Thanks again if anyone as an idea.

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