Hi to everyone.

I've got a strange problem with a gluster setup: 3 nodes with Centos 7.4, Gluster 3.12.4 from Centos/Gluster repositories, QEMU-KVM version 2.9.0 (compiled from RHEL sources).

I'm running volumes in replica 3 arbiter 1 mode (but I've got a volume in "pure" replica 3 mode too). I've applied the "virt" group settings to my volumes since they host VM images.

If I try to install something (eg: Ubuntu Server 16.04.3) on a VM (and so I generate a bit of I/O inside it) and configure KVM to access gluster volume directly (via libvirt), install fails after a while because the disk content is corrupted. If I inspect the block inside the disk (by accessing the image directly from outside) I can found many files filled with "^@".

If, instead, I configure KVM to access VM images via a FUSE mount, everything seems to work correctly.

Note that the problem with install is verified 100% time with QCOW2 image, while it appears only after with RAW disk images.

Is there anyone who experienced the same problem ?

Thank you,

Ing. Luca Lazzeroni
Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo
Trend Servizi Srl
Tel: 0376/631761
Web: https://www.trendservizi.it

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