
Since I have updated our gluster server and client to latest version
3.12.9-1, I am having this issue of gluster getting unmounted from client
very regularly. It was not a problem before update.

Its a distributed file system with no replication. We have seven servers
totaling around 480TB data. Its 97% full.

I am using following config on server

gluster volume set atlasglust features.cache-invalidation on
gluster volume set atlasglust features.cache-invalidation-timeout 600
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.stat-prefetch on
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.cache-invalidation on
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.md-cache-timeout 600
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.parallel-readdir on
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.cache-size 1GB
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.client-io-threads on
gluster volume set atlasglust cluster.lookup-optimize on
gluster volume set atlasglust performance.stat-prefetch on
gluster volume set atlasglust client.event-threads 4
gluster volume set atlasglust server.event-threads 4

clients are mounted with this option


I can't see anything in the log file. Can someone suggest that how to
troubleshoot this issue?


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