On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 6:28 PM Pat Haley <pha...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a cluster whose common storage is a gluster volume consisting of 5
> bricks residing on 3 servers.
>    - Gluster volume machines
>       - mseas-data2:  CentOS release 6.8 (Final)
>       - mseas-data3:  CentOS release 6.10 (Final)
>       - mseas-data4:  CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
>    - Client machines
>       - CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
> More details on the gluster volume are included below.
> We were recently trying to gunzip a file on the gluster volume and got  a
> "Transport endpoint is not connected" even though every test we try shows
> that gluster is fully up and running fine.  We traced the file to brick 3
> in the server mseas-data3.  We have included the relevant portions of the
> various log files on the client (mseas) where we were running the gunzip
> command and the server hosting the file (mseas-data3) below the gluster
> information
> What can you suggest we do to further debug and/or solve this issue?
> Thanks
> Pat
> ============================================================
> Gluster volume information
> ============================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------
> gluster volume info
> -----------------------------------------
> Volume Name: data-volume
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: c162161e-2a2d-4dac-b015-f31fd89ceb18
> Status: Started
> Number of Bricks: 5
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: mseas-data2:/mnt/brick1
> Brick2: mseas-data2:/mnt/brick2
> Brick3: mseas-data3:/export/sda/brick3
> Brick4: mseas-data3:/export/sdc/brick4
> Brick5: mseas-data4:/export/brick5
> Options Reconfigured:
> diagnostics.client-log-level: ERROR
> network.inode-lru-limit: 50000
> performance.md-cache-timeout: 60
> performance.open-behind: off
> disperse.eager-lock: off
> auth.allow: *
> server.allow-insecure: on
> nfs.exports-auth-enable: on
> diagnostics.brick-sys-log-level: WARNING
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> nfs.disable: on
> nfs.export-volumes: off
> cluster.min-free-disk: 1%
> ---------------------------------------------------
> gluster volume status
> --------------------------------------------
> Status of volume: data-volume
> Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online
> Pid
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Brick mseas-data2:/mnt/brick1               49154     0          Y
> 15978
> Brick mseas-data2:/mnt/brick2               49155     0          Y
> 15997
> Brick mseas-data3:/export/sda/brick3        49153     0          Y
> 14221
> Brick mseas-data3:/export/sdc/brick4        49154     0          Y
> 14240
> Brick mseas-data4:/export/brick5            49152     0          Y
> 50569
> ---------------------------------------------------
> gluster peer status
> -----------------------------------------
> Number of Peers: 2
> Hostname: mseas-data3
> Uuid: b39d4deb-c291-437e-8013-09050c1fa9e3
> State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
> Hostname: mseas-data4
> Uuid: 5c4d06eb-df89-4e5c-92e4-441fb401a9ef
> State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> glusterfs --version
> --------------------------------------------
> glusterfs 3.7.11 built on Apr 18 2016 13:20:46

This is somewhat of an outdated version, I think it's best to upgrade (or
better - migrate?) to a newer version.

> Repository revision: git://git.gluster.com/glusterfs.git
> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com/>
> <http://www.redhat.com/>
> GlusterFS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
> General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
> or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
> in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
> ============================================================
> Relevant sections from log files
> ============================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------
> mseas: gdata.log
> -----------------------------------------
> [2022-06-15 14:51:17.263858] C
> [rpc-clnt-ping.c:165:rpc_clnt_ping_timer_expired] 0-data-volume-client-2:
> server has not responded in the last 42 seconds,
> disconnecting.
> [2022-06-15 14:51:17.264522] E [rpc-clnt.c:362:saved_frames_unwind] (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libglusterfs.so.0(_gf_log_callingfn+0x172)[0x7f84886a0202]
> (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(saved_frames_unwind+0x1c2)[0x7f848846c3e2]
> (--> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(saved_frames_destroy+0xe)[0x7f848846c4de]
> (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup+0x7a)[0x7f848846dd2a]
> (--> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_clnt_notify+0x88)[0x7f848846e538]
> ))))) 0-data-volume-client-2: forced unwinding frame type(GlusterFS 3.3)
> op(READ(12)) called at 2022-06-15 14:49:52.113795 (xid=0xb4f49b)
> [2022-06-15 14:51:17.264859] E [rpc-clnt.c:362:saved_frames_unwind] (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libglusterfs.so.0(_gf_log_callingfn+0x172)[0x7f84886a0202]
> (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(saved_frames_unwind+0x1c2)[0x7f848846c3e2]
> (--> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(saved_frames_destroy+0xe)[0x7f848846c4de]
> (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup+0x7a)[0x7f848846dd2a]
> (--> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_clnt_notify+0x88)[0x7f848846e538]
> ))))) 0-data-volume-client-2: forced unwinding frame type(GF-DUMP)
> op(NULL(2)) called at 2022-06-15 14:49:53.251903 (xid=0xb4f49c)
> [2022-06-15 14:51:17.265111] E [rpc-clnt.c:362:saved_frames_unwind] (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libglusterfs.so.0(_gf_log_callingfn+0x172)[0x7f84886a0202]
> (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(saved_frames_unwind+0x1c2)[0x7f848846c3e2]
> (--> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(saved_frames_destroy+0xe)[0x7f848846c4de]
> (-->
> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup+0x7a)[0x7f848846dd2a]
> (--> /usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_clnt_notify+0x88)[0x7f848846e538]
> ))))) 0-data-volume-client-2: forced unwinding frame type(GlusterFS 3.3)
> op(FSTAT(25)) called at 2022-06-15 14:50:00.103768 (xid=0xb4f49d)
> [root@mseas glusterfs]#
> ---------------------------------------------------
> mseas-data3:  cli.log
> -----------------------------------------
> [2022-06-15 14:27:12.982510] I [cli.c:721:main] 0-cli: Started running
> gluster with version 3.7.11
> [2022-06-15 14:27:13.206046] I [MSGID: 101190]
> [event-epoll.c:632:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Started thread
> with index 1
> [2022-06-15 14:27:13.206152] I [socket.c:2356:socket_event_handler]
> 0-transport: disconnecting now
> [2022-06-15 14:27:13.208711] I [input.c:36:cli_batch] 0-: Exiting with: 0
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.579669] I [cli.c:721:main] 0-cli: Started running
> gluster with version 3.7.11
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.711445] I [MSGID: 101190]
> [event-epoll.c:632:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Started thread
> with index 1
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.711551] I [socket.c:2356:socket_event_handler]
> 0-transport: disconnecting now
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.735073] I [input.c:36:cli_batch] 0-: Exiting with: 0
> ---------------------------------------------------
> mseas-data3:  usr-local-etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log
> -----------------------------------------
> [2022-06-15 14:27:13.208084] I [MSGID: 106487]
> [glusterd-handler.c:1472:__glusterd_handle_cli_list_friends] 0-glusterd:
> Received cli list req
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.721724] I [MSGID: 106499]
> [glusterd-handler.c:4331:__glusterd_handle_status_volume] 0-management:
> Received status volume req for volume data-volume
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.732286] W [MSGID: 106217]
> [glusterd-op-sm.c:4630:glusterd_op_modify_op_ctx] 0-management: Failed uuid
> to hostname conversion
> [2022-06-15 14:27:23.732328] W [MSGID: 106387]
> [glusterd-op-sm.c:4734:glusterd_op_modify_op_ctx] 0-management: op_ctx
> modification failed
> ---------------------------------------------------
> mseas-data3:  bricks/export-sda-brick3.log
> -----------------------------------------
> [2022-06-15 14:50:42.588143] I [MSGID: 115036]
> [server.c:552:server_rpc_notify] 0-data-volume-server: disconnecting
> connection from
> mseas.mit.edu-155483-2022/05/13-03:24:14:618694-data-volume-client-2-0-28
> [2022-06-15 14:50:42.588220] I [MSGID: 115013]
> [server-helpers.c:294:do_fd_cleanup] 0-data-volume-server: fd cleanup on
> /projects/posydon/Acoustics_ASA/MSEAS-ParEq-DO/Save/2D/Test_Cases/RI/DO_NAPE_JASA_Paper/Uncertain_Pekeris_Waveguide_DO_MC
> [2022-06-15 14:50:42.588259] I [MSGID: 115013]
> [server-helpers.c:294:do_fd_cleanup] 0-data-volume-server: fd cleanup on
> /projects/dri_calypso/PE/2019/Apr09/Ens3R200deg001/pe_out.nc.gz
> [2022-06-15 14:50:42.588288] I [MSGID: 101055]
> [client_t.c:420:gf_client_unref] 0-data-volume-server: Shutting down
> connection
> mseas.mit.edu-155483-2022/05/13-03:24:14:618694-data-volume-client-2-0-28
> [2022-06-15 14:50:53.605215] I [MSGID: 115029]
> [server-handshake.c:690:server_setvolume] 0-data-volume-server: accepted
> client from
> mseas.mit.edu-155483-2022/05/13-03:24:14:618694-data-volume-client-2-0-29
> (version: 3.7.11)
> [2022-06-15 14:50:42.588247] I [MSGID: 115013]
> [server-helpers.c:294:do_fd_cleanup] 0-data-volume-server: fd cleanup on
> /projects/posydon/Acoustics_ASA/MSEAS-ParEq-DO/Save/2D/Test_Cases/RI/DO_NAPE_JASA_Paper/Uncertain_Pekeris_Waveguide_DO_MC
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Pat Haley                          Email:  pha...@mit.edu
> Center for Ocean Engineering       Phone:  (617) 253-6824
> Dept. of Mechanical Engineering    Fax:    (617) 253-8125
> MIT, Room 5-213                    http://web.mit.edu/phaley/www/
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue
> Cambridge, MA  02139-4301
> ________
> Community Meeting Calendar:
> Schedule -
> Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 14:30 IST / 09:00 UTC
> Bridge: https://meet.google.com/cpu-eiue-hvk
> Gluster-users mailing list
> Gluster-users@gluster.org
> https://lists.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-users

Community Meeting Calendar:

Schedule -
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 14:30 IST / 09:00 UTC
Bridge: https://meet.google.com/cpu-eiue-hvk
Gluster-users mailing list

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