For Tuan's build tomorrow, does he need to do anything special?  Or, just 
normal process.

From: John McGreevy <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 2:24 PM
To: Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) <>; '' 
Subject: Re: [gmat-nav] Weird errors from our Matlab Windows regression test run

That graphics warning sounds more like an issue between MATLAB and the graphics 
On 4/9/2019 14:17, Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) wrote:

I get this error even before I run the GMAT script, just opening matlab.

I assume your change is not the cause?

From: gmat-nav 
<><> On 
Behalf Of Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950)
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 2:13 PM
To: John McGreevy 
Subject: Re: [gmat-nav] Weird errors from our Matlab Windows regression test run

I also got this weird error today:

Warning: MATLAB previously crashed due to a low-level graphics error. To
prevent another crash in this session, MATLAB is using software OpenGL instead
of using your graphics hardware. To save this setting for future sessions, use
the opengl('save', 'software') command. For more information, see Resolving
Low-Level Graphics Issues.

In addition, I sometimes don't get a license at all due to maximum users 

From: John McGreevy 
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 2:11 PM
To: Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) <<>>; 
Subject: Re: [gmat-nav] Weird errors from our Matlab Windows regression test run

This might be my fault. When I was seeing what needed to change in the script to allow it to work with Visual Studio 2019, I committed a 
change to increase the minimum CMake version that I shouldn't have put in the 
commit that got pushed to master. If the build machine isn't using CMake 
3.14.1, that's probably the cause. I can roll back the changes I made if that's 
the case
On 4/9/2019 13:56, Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) wrote:
We continuously get this error.  Anyone have ideas on cause?

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