I actually already added ExtendedKalmanFilter and ProcessNoiseModel on the 
Resources tab. You can move them somewhere else if that is appropriate.

From: Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) <d.s.coo...@nasa.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 11:01 AM
To: John McGreevy <john.mcgre...@emergentspace.com>
Cc: gmat-buildtest@lists.sourceforge.net; Slojkowski, Steven E. 
(GSFC-595.0)[OMITRON] <steven.e.slojkow...@nasa.gov>
Subject: RE: Documentation for new features

Addendum:  From looking at what others have done:  For the google spreadsheets, 
it looks like we could create our own "Nav" tab instead of using the 
"UnderDevelopment" tab.

From: Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950)
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 10:37 AM
To: John McGreevy 
Subject: Documentation for new features

Hi John,

Yesterday, we talked about where to document the new EKF and smoother features.

For the field spec data (new parameter name, variable type, units, description, 
etc,) I believe you should put them in the "User Interface Spec" spreadsheet 
here under the "UnderDevelopment" tab.


For the new EKF, smoother, etc. requirements, I believe you should put them in 
the "GMAT Requirements" spreadsheet under the "UnderDevelopment" tab.


For general discussion of a particular new feature, you can create a google 
doc.  Below is an example of such a doc.


Steve H, others, chime in if this is incorrect as I know there has been some 
talk of changing some of our procedures.

Gmat-buildtest mailing list
  • [Gmat-build... Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) via Gmat-buildtest
    • Re: [G... Cooley, D S. (GSFC-5950) via Gmat-buildtest
      • Re... Slojkowski, Steven E. (GSFC-595.0)[OMITRON] via Gmat-buildtest

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