Dim XY <dim0...@gmail.com> writes:

  a=-2014444032  //  <----- incorrect, lost value!!

  Possible explanation:

  mpz_set_si function has the signature:

  void mpz_set_si (mpz_ptr dest, signed long int val);

Indeed. And you pass an int64_t which may or may not be "signed long
int".  That's a bug in your program, which I suppose you already

  This 'signed long int' type has different sizes of linux (8 bytes) and
  windows 64bit (4 bytes) platforms

  Maybe it is better to use 'long long' type which always has the size
  of 8 bytes on any platform?

You're essentially lobbying for an incompatible change in GMP by
making a spurious GMP bug report.

Please encrypt, key id 0xC8601622
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