XAvier Periole wrote:


I am having troubles finding the better balance between the PME CPUs and the rest. I played with the rdd, rcon and -npme options but nothing really appears very
straightforwardly best.

I'd appreciate if some of you could post their experience in that matter. I mean the
number of pme nodes as compared the total number of CPUs used.

I think this info as been discussed recently on the list but the archive is not accessible.

It may matter that I have a system containing about 70000 atoms, a protein in a bilayer.

Some advice that I got from Berk long ago has worked beautifully for me. You want a 3:1 PP:PME balance for a regular triclinic cell (grompp will report the relative PME load as 25% if your parameters create such a balance), 2:1 for an octahedron. My scaling has been great using this information, without having to alter -rdd, -rcon, etc.


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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
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