
I have not heard about such issues, but it might depend a lot on your 
particular application.
I would think you will always have disturbances, no matter if you use two 
one interface with walls or one liquid-liquid interface and two liquid-vapour 
The only solution to such problems is using thicker layers.

The wall are on the bottom (z=0) and top (z=z_box) of the box, as the manual 


Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 14:59:31 +0530
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Reg:walls and pbc xy
From: kmvin...@gmail.com
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org

Hi Berk

I need only one interface because if i have two interfaces the "capillary waves 
from one interface disturb the other even though the distance between the 
average positions of the two interfaces are larger than the potential cut-off" 
(this was said in the literature).

Can anyone explain me why walls are used for interfaces? and what is the 
purpose of using walls?. 
suppose if i put nwall =2 where exactly are the walls created? can anyone 
explain me with an example?

i read the manual but it is not making any sense to me. if i know this i know 
what correction i should make in my mdp file to make it work for pbc xy. any 
help is highly appreciated.


On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Berk Hess <g...@hotmail.com> wrote:


With wall_r_linpot your wall potential is linear from 1 nm downwards.
Since the LJ force is negative at 1 nm, your atoms are attracted to the walls.

But why not simply use two interfaces? You get double the sampling for free

and you do not have to bother with complicated wall setups.


Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 11:49:48 +0530
From: kmvin...@gmail.com
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org

Subject: [gmx-users] Reg:walls and pbc xy

Hi Gromacians

I want to create a liquid-liquid interface and study its properties. Hence i 
combined two boxes ( say water and DCE). The two boxes  are well equilibrated 
before merging and i created an interface. Now i want to perform energy 
minimisation for the interface by appling pbc in the xy direction and using 
walls. ( If i apply pbc in all the directions i get two interfaces where as i 
need only one interface hence i am applying it only on the xy direction and 
removing the boundary condition in the Z direction.).When i performed the 
energy minimisation for the interfacial system but i found that my system is 
exploding (several PDB files are written while running mdrun is executed) and i 
dont know why?.There is no issue when i use pbc in all directions. below is my 
em.mdp file. any help is highly appreciated.

integrator    = steep        
emtol        = 40.0      
emstep          = 0.01
nsteps        = 10000       
nstxout        = 100        
nstvout        = 100      
nstfout        = 100        
nstlog        = 100      

nstenergy    = 100      
nstlist        = 5        
ns_type        = grid       
rlist        = 1.0        
coulombtype    = PME     
rcoulomb    = 1.0      
vdwtype        = Cut-off      
rvdw        = 1.0     

ewald_geometry    = 3dc
nwall        = 2
wall_type    = 9-3
wall_r_linpot    = 1
wall_atomtype   = opls_966 opls_968
wall_density    = 9-3 9-3
wall_ewald_zfac    = 3
pbc        = xy         
fourierspacing  = 0.18      


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