On 7/27/12 8:54 PM, Ramon Garduno wrote:
Dear Justin,

Thanks for your quick reply. Actually, we think that the topology is OK,
however HAP's parameters could be wrong, we are checking on this...

I would say that the topology being OK and the parameters being wrong are contradictory statements ;)

These are the topology files used for HAP. The names associated to the atoms
present on the slab are:

Can you reduce the system to just one molecule? It appears there are several molecules in the .itp below and it's quite hard to keep track of everything without seeing the corresponding coordinate file as well. A single molecule would be a lot easier to deal with, and a coordinate file would allow for better troubleshooting (the smaller, the better).


ACa - Ca2+
AP   -  P
AO1 - O(P)
AO4 - O(H)
AH   - H

1- ffnonbonded.itp
[ atomtypes ]
;name  at.num   mass      charge  ptype       c6           c12
   ACa          40.0800     0.000     A  7.34375e-05   4.755341e-08
    AP          30.9738     0.000     A  1.6701174e-03 2.9953696e-06
   AO1          15.9994     0.000     A  1.8737825e-04 1.4573462e-07
   AO4          15.9994     0.000     A  9.793663e-05  8.5730467e-08
    AH          1.00800     0.000     A  7.17e-11      5.497e-16

[ nonbond_params ]
;      i       j   func     c6           c12
      ACa      ACa  1  7.34375e-05   4.755341e-08
      ACa      AO4  1  8.480696e-05  6.38496e-08
      ACa       AH  1  7.2564e-08    5.112734e-12
      ACa      AO1  1  1.173055e-04  8.324769e-08
      ACa       AP  1  3.50213e-04   3.77223e-07
      AO4      AO4  1  1.8737825e-04 8.5730467e-08
      AO4       AH  1  8.37977e-08   6.864841e-12
      AO4      AO1  1  1.354666e-04  1.117761e-07
      AO4       AP  1  1.2789279e-03 5.0674888e-07
       AH       AH  1  7.17e-11      5.497e-16
       AH      AO1  1  1.159095e-07  8.950437e-12
       AH       AP  1  3.460454e-07  4.057776e-11
      AO1      AO1  1  1.8737825e-04 1.4573462e-07
      AO1       AP  1  5.594137e-04  6.607035e-07
       AP       AP  1  1.6701174e-03 2.9953696e-06

2- HAP-MODEL4-100.itp
;; topology file for a HAP, created by Eduardo Villarreal & Ramon Garduno
;; from hap.itp taken from diferente papers
;; one can use Gromacs force-field files (ffgmx*.itp)
;; If you use this topology file, please cite to Eduardo Villarreal & Ramon

[ moleculetype ]
; Name   nrexcl
HAP      3

[ atoms ]
;aqui se hace coincidir cada atomo en la celda de unidad
;   id    atype   resnr resane    aname   cgnr        charge      mass
      1      AO1      1    HAP      O3A       1        -1.4000   15.9994
      2      AO1      1    HAP      O3B       2        -1.4000   15.9994
      3      AO1      1    HAP      O3C       3        -1.4000   15.9994
      4      AO1      1    HAP      O3D       4        -1.4000   15.9994
      5      AO1      1    HAP      O3E       5        -1.4000   15.9994
      6      AO1      1    HAP      O3F       6        -1.4000   15.9994
      7      AO1      1    HAP      O3G       7        -1.4000   15.9994
      8      AO1      1    HAP      O3H       8        -1.4000   15.9994
      9      AO1      1    HAP      O3I       9        -1.4000   15.9994
     10      AO1      1    HAP      O3J      10        -1.4000   15.9994
     11      AO1      1    HAP      O3K      11        -1.4000   15.9994
     12      AO1      1    HAP      O3L      12        -1.4000   15.9994
     13      AO1      1    HAP      O3M       7        -1.4000   15.9994
     14      AO1      1    HAP      O3N       8        -1.4000   15.9994
     15      AO1      1    HAP      O3O       9        -1.4000   15.9994
     16      AO1      1    HAP      O3P      10        -1.4000   15.9994
     17      AO1      1    HAP      O3Q      11        -1.4000   15.9994
     18      AO1      1    HAP      O3R      12        -1.4000   15.9994
     19      AO1      1    HAP      O3S       1        -1.4000   15.9994
     20      AO1      1    HAP      O3T       2        -1.4000   15.9994
     21      AO1      1    HAP      O3U       3        -1.4000   15.9994
     22      AO1      1    HAP      O3V       4        -1.4000   15.9994
     23      AO1      1    HAP      O3W       5        -1.4000   15.9994
     24      AO1      1    HAP      O3X       6        -1.4000   15.9994
     25      AO1      1    HAP      O1A       1        -1.4000   15.9994
     26      AO1      1    HAP      O1B       2        -1.4000   15.9994
     27      AO1      1    HAP      O2A       1        -1.4000   15.9994
     28      AO1      1    HAP      O2B       2        -1.4000   15.9994
     29       AP      1    HAP      P1A       1         2.6000   30.9738
     30       AP      1    HAP      P1B       2         2.6000   30.9738
     31      ACa      1    HAP      CaA      17         2.0000   40.0800
     32      ACa      1    HAP      CaB      18         2.0000   40.0800
     33      AO1      1    HAP      O1C       3        -1.4000   15.9994
     34      AO1      1    HAP      O1D       4        -1.4000   15.9994
     35      AO1      1    HAP      O2C       3        -1.4000   15.9994
     36      AO1      1    HAP      O2D       4        -1.4000   15.9994
     37       AP      1    HAP      P1C       3         2.6000   30.9738
     38       AP      1    HAP      P1D       4         2.6000   30.9738
     39      ACa      1    HAP      CaC      19         2.0000   40.0800
     40      ACa      1    HAP      CaD      20         2.0000   40.0800
     41      AO1      1    HAP      O1E       5        -1.4000   15.9994
     42      AO1      1    HAP      O1F       6        -1.4000   15.9994
     43      AO1      1    HAP      O2E       5        -1.4000   15.9994
     44      AO1      1    HAP      O2F       6        -1.4000   15.9994
     45       AP      1    HAP      P1E       5         2.6000   30.9738
     46       AP      1    HAP      P1F       6         2.6000   30.9738
     47      ACa      1    HAP      CaE      21         2.0000   40.0800
     48      ACa      1    HAP      CaF      22         2.0000   40.0800
     49      AO1      1    HAP      O1G       7        -1.4000   15.9994
     50      AO1      1    HAP      O1H       8        -1.4000   15.9994
     51      AO1      1    HAP      O2G       7        -1.4000   15.9994
     52      AO1      1    HAP      O2H       8        -1.4000   15.9994
     53       AP      1    HAP      P1G       7         2.6000   30.9738
     54       AP      1    HAP      P1H       8         2.6000   30.9738
     55      ACa      1    HAP      CaG      23         2.0000   40.0800
     56      ACa      1    HAP      CaH      24         2.0000   40.0800
     57      AO1      1    HAP      O1I       9        -1.4000   15.9994
     58      AO1      1    HAP      O1J      10        -1.4000   15.9994
     59      AO1      1    HAP      O2I       9        -1.4000   15.9994
     60      AO1      1    HAP      O2J      10        -1.4000   15.9994
     61       AP      1    HAP      P1I       9         2.6000   30.9738
     62       AP      1    HAP      P1J      10         2.6000   30.9738
     63      ACa      1    HAP      CaI      25         2.0000   40.0800
     64      ACa      1    HAP      CaJ      26         2.0000   40.0800
     65      AO1      1    HAP      O1K      11        -1.4000   15.9994
     66      AO1      1    HAP      O1L      12        -1.4000   15.9994
     67      AO1      1    HAP      O2K      11        -1.4000   15.9994
     68      AO1      1    HAP      O2L      12        -1.4000   15.9994
     69       AP      1    HAP      P1K      11         2.6000   30.9738
     70       AP      1    HAP      P1L      12         2.6000   30.9738
     71      ACa      1    HAP      CaK      27         2.0000   40.0800
     72      ACa      1    HAP      CaL      28         2.0000   40.0800
     73      ACa      1    HAP      CaM      29         2.0000   40.0800
     74      ACa      1    HAP      CaN      30         2.0000   40.0800
     75      ACa      1    HAP      CaO      31         2.0000   40.0800
     76      ACa      1    HAP      CaP      32         2.0000   40.0800
     77      ACa      1    HAP      CaQ      33         2.0000   40.0800
     78      ACa      1    HAP      CaR      34         2.0000   40.0800
     79      ACa      1    HAP      CaS      35         2.0000   40.0800
     80      ACa      1    HAP      CaT      36         2.0000   40.0800
     81      AO4      1    HAP      O4A      13        -1.6000   15.9994
     82      AO4      1    HAP      O4B      14        -1.6000   15.9994
     83       AH      1    HAP      H1A      13         0.6000   1.00800
     84       AH      1    HAP      H1B      14         0.6000   1.00800
     85      AO4      1    HAP      O4C      15        -1.6000   15.9994
     86      AO4      1    HAP      O4D      16        -1.6000   15.9994
     87       AH      1    HAP      H1C      15         0.6000   1.00800
     88       AH      1    HAP      H1D      16         0.6000   1.00800

[ bonds ]
;aqui se ponen los enlaces que se encuentran el pdb
;  ai    aj funct           r0          kr
       29       1       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       29      19       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       29      25       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       29      27       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       30       2       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       30      20       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       30      26       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       30      28       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       37       3       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       37      21       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       37      33       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       37      35       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       38       4       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       38      22       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       38      34       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       38      36       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       45       5       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       45      23       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       45      41       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       45      43       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       46       6       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       46      24       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       46      42       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       46      44       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       53       7       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       53      13       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       53      49       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       53      51       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       54       8       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       54      14       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       54      50       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       54      52       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       61       9       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       61      15       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       61      57       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       61      59       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       62      10       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       62      16       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       62      58       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       62      60       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       69      11       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       69      17       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       69      65       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       69      67       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       70      12       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       70      18       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       70      66       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       70      68       1 0.154E+00 6.0706E+03
       81      83       1 0.09600E+00 1.25317e+04
       82      84       1 0.09600E+00 1.25317e+04
       85      87       1 0.09600E+00 1.25317e+04
       86      88       1 0.09600E+00 1.25317e+04

[ pairs ]
;  ai    aj funct

[ angles ]
;aqui se ponen los angulos posibles entre los enlaces
;  ai    aj    ak funct             0         k0
        1      29      19       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        1      29      25       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        1      29      27       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       19      29      25       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       19      29      27       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       25      29      27       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        2      30      20       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        2      30      26       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        2      30      28       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       20      30      26       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       20      30      28       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       26      30      28       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        3      37      21       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        3      37      33       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        3      37      35       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       21      37      33       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       21      37      35       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       33      37      35       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        4      38      22       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        4      38      34       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        4      38      36       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       22      38      34       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       22      38      36       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       34      38      36       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        5      45      23       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        5      45      41       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        5      45      43       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       23      45      41       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       23      45      43       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       41      45      43       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        6      46      24       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        6      46      42       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        6      46      44       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       24      46      42       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       24      46      44       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       42      46      44       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        7      53      13       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        7      53      49       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        7      53      51       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       13      53      49       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       13      53      51       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       49      53      51       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        8      54      14       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        8      54      50       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        8      54      52       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       14      54      50       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       14      54      52       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       50      54      52       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        9      61      15       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        9      61      57       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
        9      61      59       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       15      61      57       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       15      61      59       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       57      61      59       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       10      62      16       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       10      62      58       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       10      62      60       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       16      62      58       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       16      62      60       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       58      62      60       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       11      69      17       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       11      69      65       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       11      69      67       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       17      69      65       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       17      69      67       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       65      69      67       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       12      70      18       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       12      70      66       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       12      70      68       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       18      70      66       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       18      70      68       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04
       66      70      68       1 1.911E+00  4.973342e+04

[ dihedrals ]
;  ai    aj    ak    al funct   phi0     cp     mult

; Include Position restraint file
;#ifdef POSRES_HAP
;#include "hap_posre.itp"

3- hap_posre.itp
; position restraints for HAP of Generated by trjconv :
Model-4-HAP-scelda2-100-10bx5c t=   0.00000

[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct       fcx        fcy        fcz
    1    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    2    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    3    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    4    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    5    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    6    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    7    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    8    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
    9    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   10    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   11    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   12    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   13    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   14    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   15    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   16    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   17    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   18    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   19    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   20    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   21    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   22    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   23    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   24    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   25    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   26    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   27    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   28    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   29    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   30    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   31    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   32    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   33    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   34    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   35    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   36    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   37    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   38    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   39    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   40    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   41    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   42    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   43    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   44    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   45    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   46    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   47    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   48    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   49    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   50    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   51    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   52    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   53    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   54    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   55    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   56    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   57    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   58    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   59    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   60    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   61    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   62    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   63    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   64    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   65    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   66    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   67    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   68    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   69    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   70    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   71    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   72    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   73    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   74    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   75    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   76    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   77    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   78    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   79    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   80    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   81    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   82    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   83    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   84    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   85    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   86    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   87    1     1000000   1000000   1000000
   88    1     1000000   1000000   1000000

4- topol.top
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "gromos_HAP.ff/forcefield.itp"

; Include HAP crystal slap topology
#include "HAP-MODEL4-100.itp"
#include "hap_posre.itp"

; Include water topology
#include "gromos53a6_HAP.ff/spc.itp"

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct       fcx        fcy        fcz
    1    1       1000       1000       1000

; Include topology for ions
#include "gromos53a6_HAP.ff/ions.itp"

[ system ]
; Name
newbox-pep2 in water

[ molecules ]
; Compound        #mols
HAP                1

Looking forward to your comments...


On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:10:43 -0400, Justin Lemkul wrote
On 7/25/12 2:32 PM, Ramon Garduno wrote:
Dear gmx friends:

We are modeling a solvated hydroxyapatite(HAP)-protein complex. We have
minimized and equilibrated this system to 300K under NVT.

The odd behavior is observed when we start an NPT simulation. In the very
first ps we observed that the oxygens bound (initially) to phosphorous in
phosphate tetrahedon assume a geometry in which all four oxygens are grouped
together like this P=O, however we never receive an error message.

The bond lenghts have been constrained using the SHAKE algorithm.

HAP is in the form of a crystal slab. The HAP parameters we have used were
taken from Dinesh-Katti's paper [Polymer 48 (2007) 664-674], in turn, Katti
took the HAP parameters from Hauptmann [Phys Chem Chem Phys  (2003) 5,

Katti's parameters were parameterized to CVFF. We have made ​​the
corresponding unit convertions to fit those requiered in GROMACS v4.5. In
short, we have used NON_BONDED (Homonuclear and Heteronuclear van der Waals
terms), BONDED parameters (ffnonbonded.itp and HAP.itp), and the same PARTIAL
ATOMIC CHARGES as those reported by Katti's group.

In order to avoid the odd behaviour observed in the tetrahedral phosphate, we
have used strong position restraints but the odd behaviour is still present.
We also used freeze groups but with this command it is not possible to
equilibrate the system under NPT.

Do you have some suggestions to solve this problem?

It sounds like a topology error, but without seeing the .itp file,
it's hard to guess.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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