Thanks for the advice, Mark!

I did exactly this experiment with the same expectations before posting my query. I didn't get any complaint neither from grompp nor from mdrun, what doesn't necessarily mean that this combination is implemented. I just noticed that during equilibration results deteriorate, i.e., the normal pressure which already was close to the target value gets negative, and the surface tension increases significantly over the target value. This could of course be an effect of the different pressure coupling method used.

Kind regards,


On 08/14/2012 07:28 AM, Mark Abraham wrote:
On 13/08/2012 7:21 PM, Felipe Pineda, PhD wrote:
Dear All,

the Gromacs User Manual V.4.5.4 states on p. 33: "(...) the surface
tension and the z-component of the pressure can be coupled to a
pressure bath. Presently, this only works with the Berendsen pressure
coupling algorithm in GROMACS."

My question: does this hold for V. 4.5.5 as well? Is it possible to
use the combination:

pcoupl            = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype     = surface-tension

in an mdp file for a NPgammaT MD run?
Probably, but you should try it and see :-) Likely grompp will complain
if it is not implemented.


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