On 2/11/13 6:15 PM, Pengzhi Zhang wrote:
In my case, all the related units are about length, so I won't consider
temperature, charge etc.

Here is the confusion.

On one hand, from the above discussion: If the input is from the .pdb file,
which is in reduced units ( {\sigma}=3.8 Angstrom), as well as the
coordinate file, the program g_covar reads the coordinates in Anstroms and
convert them to nms, then gives an output of all the eigenvalues of the
covariance matrix, in units of nm^2, for example, the first eigenvalue given
is 5.5 nm^2. So mapping to the correct reduced units, I think I need to
change the nm^2 to ({\sigma}*10)^2=1444 Angstrom^2, thus the first
eigenvalue is 550 {\sigma}^2, i.e. 7942 Angstrom^2.

On the other hand, per to the manual, the output should be anyway 5.5
{\sigma}^2 although written in 5.5 nm^2 in the .xvg file, as if gromacs does
no unit-conversion here at all, even a .pdb file is given as input.

The latter gives values of better sense from my actual example.

Using reduced units is far more straightforward from simple energy and coordinate output; their interpretation in g_covar is less clear. I think the latter case is right, but you would have to go into the code to be sure. The former case represents huge values of covariance which do not make any sense to me.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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