On 07/06/2013 12:14 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
My bad. Use

warning_note(wi, "Debugging");

thanks a lot Mark. I've obtained some informations now:

Identified residue MET1 as a starting terminus.
Warning: Residue RETK296 in chain has different type (Other) from starting residue MET1 (Protein). Warning: Residue THR297 in chain has different type (Protein) from starting residue MET1 (Protein). Warning: Residue SER298 in chain has different type (Protein) from starting residue MET1 (Protein). Warning: Residue ALA299 in chain has different type (Protein) from starting residue MET1 (Protein). Warning: Residue VAL300 in chain has different type (Protein) from starting residue MET1 (Protein). More than 5 unidentified residues at end of chain - disabling further warnings.
Identified residue ALA295 as a ending terminus.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Special Atom Distance matrix:
Fatal error:
Residue 1 named LEU of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom N used in
an interaction of type improper in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be

For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

"History has expired" (PubMed Central)

I take 11-cis-retinal SCHIFF base charmm format topology from the publication (Biophysical Journal, 83:3097-3112, 2002) from here:


 and convert into gromacs .itp format:

[ RETK ]
 [ atoms ]
    N    NH1    -0.47000    0
    HN    H    0.31000    1
    CA    CT1    0.07000    2
    HA    HB    0.09000    3
    C    C    0.51000    4
    O    O    -0.51000    5
    CB    CT2    -0.18000    6
    HB1    HA    0.09000    7
    HB2    HA    0.09000    8
    CG    CT2    -0.18000    9
    HG1    HA    0.09000    10
    HG2    HA    0.09000    11
    CD    CT2    -0.18000    12
    HD1    HA    0.09000    13
    HD2    HA    0.09000    14
    CE    CT2    0.340    15
    HE1    HA    0.050    16
    HE2    HA    0.050    17
    N16    NCH1    -0.727    18
    H16    HCR    0.505    19
    C15    CR15    0.362    20
    H15    HPL1    0.189    21
    C14    CR14    -0.180    22
    H14    HPL    0.180    23
    C13    CR13    0.131    24
    C20    CT3    -0.170    25
    H20A    HA    0.090    26
    H20B    HA    0.090    27
    H20C    HA    0.090    28
    C12    CR12    -0.110    29
    H12    HPL    0.110    30
    C11    CR11    -0.090    31
    H11    HPL    0.090    32
    C10    CR10    -0.100    33
    H10    HPL    0.100    34
    C9    CR9    0.00    35
    C19    CT3    -0.27    36
    H19A    HA    0.09    37
    H19B    HA    0.09    38
    H19C    HA    0.09    39
    C8    CR8    -0.10    40
    H8    HPL    0.10    41
    C7    CR7    -0.10    42
    H7    HPL    0.10    43
    C6    CR6    0.00    44
    C5    CR5    0.00    45
    C18    CT3    -0.27    46
    H18A    HA    0.09    47
    H18B    HA    0.09    48
    H18C    HA    0.09    49
    C4    CT2    -0.20    50
    H4A    HA    0.10    51
    H4B    HA    0.10    52
    C3    CT2    -0.20    53
    H3A    HA    0.10    54
    H3B    HA    0.10    55
    C2    CT2    -0.20    56
    H2A    HA    0.10    57
    H2B    HA    0.10    58
    C1    CT3    0.00    59
    C16    CT3    -0.27    60
    H16A    HA    0.09    61
    H16B    HA    0.09    62
    H16C    HA    0.09    63
    C17    CT3    -0.27    64
    H17A    HA    0.09    65
    H17B    HA    0.09    66
    H17C    HA    0.09    67
 [ bonds ]
    CB    CA
    CG    CB
    CD    CG
    CE    CD
    N16    CE
    N    HN
    N    CA
    O    C
    C    CA
    C    +N
    CA    HA
    CB    HB1
    CB    HB2
    CG    HG1
    CG    HG2
    CD    HD1
    CD    HD2
    CE    HE1
    CE    HE2
    C1    C2
    C1    C6
    C1    C16
    C1    C17
    C2    C3
    C2    H2A
    C2    H2B
    C3    C4
    C3    H3A
    C3    H3B
    C4    C5
    C4    H4A
    C4    H4B
    C5    C6
    C5    C18
    C6    C7
    C7    C8
    C7    H7
    C8    C9
    C8    H8
    C9    C10
    C9    C19
    C10    C11
    C10    H10
    C11    C12
    C11    H11
    C12    C13
    C12    H12
    C13    C14
    C13    C20
    C14    C15
    C14    H14
    C15    N16
    C15    H15
    N16    H16
    C16    H16A
    C16    H16B
    C16    H16C
    C17    H17A
    C17    H17B
    C17    H17C
    C18    H18A
    C18    H18B
    C18    H18C
    C19    H19A
    C19    H19B
    C19    H19C
    C20    H20A
    C20    H20B
    C20    H20C
 [ impropers ]
    N    -C    CA    HN
    C    CA    +N    O
    C5    C6    C4    C18
    C6    C1    C5    C7
    C7    C8    C6    H7
    C8    C7    C9    H8
    C9    C10    C8    C19
    C10    C9    C11    H10
    C11    C12    C10    H11
    C12    C11    C13    H12
    C13    C14    C12    C20
    C14    C13    C15    H14
    C15    N16    C14    H15
    N16    CE    C15    H16

Then I add this information into the aminoacide.rtp file. I don't know why it failed. It is expected to be treated as regular amino acid residue....

thank you very much.

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