
On Mon, 2009-11-02 at 12:40 +0000, Frederique W. Piccart wrote:
> Bad pointers:
> - Still have to press Fn + F5 to make wireless active each time I boot.

The wifi driver is not enabled by deafult when booting.

Not sure the wifi driver are you using? the one stored in
drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/ with CONFIG_RTL8187B? if it is. you can
try to enable it when booting via putting the following lines
into /etc/rc.local:

wifi_interface=`find /sys/class/rfkill/ -name "state"`
[ -n "$wifi_interface" ] && echo 1 > $wifi_interface

> - When the screen goes to rest (blank), it just covers the screen with
> black, while it's still on. I have to press Fn + F2 to actually make the
> screen blank (shut it off). It would be nice if it would do this
> automatically.

Good idea.

Seems "blank" is handled in X(relative to the SM712 video driver), but
the backlight is controlled in the backlight driver(a platform subdriver
for YeeLoong), it will be hard to merge them together.

So if you want to save the power when the screen is in active, please
configure the relative action via kpowersave or gnome-power-manager.
they will really change the backlight of the
screen(/sys/class/backlight/backlight0/brightness) and save power for
you. and if you want to shut it off, configure the time for entering
into standby mode automatically.

> - When browsing with Epiphany (just starting it and it begins to load),
> when on wireless, the kernel will panic. This will not happen for example
> when I'm running a stream on Rhythmbox, nor does any of this happen when I
> just use an Ethernet connection.

Tried install Epiphany on my standard debian system, and run it with
wireless, not made my kernel panic.

> - I got a few minor errors when installing the kernel, I believe samgee
> already reported those at the very beginning.
> - Still no WPA/WPA2 listing in network-admin application, only WEP Hex and

Not sure, Added ta...@lemote.com in the CC list, hope he can explain

> - Would have been nice if the package information of the kernel and
> wireless driver was properly filled in.
> - Don't know if it's in an issue, but with the new wireless driver, for
> some reason during kernel boot, it renames the wireless connection to
> wlan1, each time.

Could you please try to
remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules?

and reboot the kernel. and then it should work as wlan0 for you.

> - Whenever I (re)boot, the brightness level is one value before the highest
> value. It seems then when you shutdown/reboot the system sets it to this.

Have explained it in another thread, I have set the deafult brightness
level in the backlight subdriver when initializing, will fix it in the
next version.

> Awesome pointers:
> - Battery indicator out of the box! Yay!
> - When you press Fn + F2 now, the screen actually shuts off. Before it
> seemed as if it just blackened it and put the brightness on lowest point.

Yup, this is a known problem, I only found it when with the new EC
version(such as PQ1D26, please check the version via
"cat /proc/cmdline"). I have tried to resume the brightness in the
kernel when resuming from Fn + F2, but it not works. So, perhaps EC does
some BAD jobs there, will check it later and will try to fix it in
kernel space.

> What I have yet to test:
> - See if webcam compatibility with different applications improved (such as
> Ekiga).
> - See if I still get a kernel panic when plugging in my Openmoko Neo
> Freerunner.
> - See if I can only allow one application to have audio at the time. For
> example, when having Rhythmbox on, I won't be hearing Gajim sounds. But
> don't know if this is kernel related, I doubt it. 
> And a general question, a gnubie question really. Is there anyway to apply
> updates, without rebooting to have them in use? Sometimes I read on
> websites boasting about how GNU/Linux systems can even update the kernel,
> without having to reboot.

did you try kexec?

Thanks very much for your feedbacks ;)

        Wu Zhangjin

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