Rob Savoye wrote:
> I don't know if anyone uses these, but I build regular snapshots of
> Gnash as debs, and stick them here:
> For anyone
> wanting to keep more up to date with Gnash (and realizing they're
> snapshots from trunk), these should make it much easier. These are also
> built with several experimental features enabled, like the current AVM2
> (swf v9 & v10) work, the new GTK & Python widgets, KDE4 plugin support,
> and memory reduction in the Garbage collector.
> The current version in Debian-mipsel is 0.8.4, which is close to a year
> out of date. Many more things work much better in the current releases,
> so I figured I'd let people know these are available.
>     - rob -

If you (or someone else) could identify a specific build that has been
tested a bit and is known to work with the obvious popular sites,
perhaps that could be included by default in gNewSense metad mipsel.

Daniel JB Clark   | Sys Admin, Free Software Foundation |

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