
I don't know if it's still of interest for someone, but anyway.

I did a port of gnash-0.8.8 packages from squeeze to deltah and built them in
the Builder. The original source package is at [1], the bzr repo of deltah
port is at [2].

The tarball in the bzr repo is the original source tarball from gnu.org. I
didn't bother to use the squeeze patches because they are unrelated to i386
arch (and the rest of them are non-critical). (Well, if some of them are
really needed I can hack the "patch" target to make them applied.)

If 0.8.8 will go into deltah-updates, there's another thing to
mention. There's a new package gnash-doc which don't exist in the original
gNewSense-deltah. It contains the gnash API docs in the html format. I'm not
sure either it's a good idea to include it now into the repo or not. Anyways
it can be removed from the control file easily.

[1] http://packages.debian.org/source/squeeze/gnash
[2] http://obscurehalt.org/bzr/gnash

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